April 24, 2011

April 22, 2011

Strong is the new Skinny

I recently have had no motivation to workout. I always have the intention to work out, but then I end up reading a book and sitting on the couch. 4 hours later, its time to get ready for bed, no work out. I have a gym membership, but it doesn't get much use. I used to swim in college, so I had an amazing working out routine, and I followed out. Mostly because I didn't have a choice, but I also had a team working out with me. That was 6+ years ago. My workout ethics have since then changed.

A few months ago I saw the Insanity workouts, and wanted to try it. 60 days= awesome body they say. So i bought it off of ebay, and waited for its arrival. It consists of a workout calender, diet plan (which I didn't follow) multiple workout DVDs, and just a strong workout ethic and not quitting.  I won't lie, that first week SUCKED. I sweat more in 30 mins than I did at an hour at the gym.

It was still hard, but I was able to build a tolerance. I felt better, and didn't feel as crappy. I finished. And now I have restarted it. I didn't lose any weight which I was bummed about, but I toned up. I definitely do not look like the girls on the video, but I am happy I am in better shape. I still eat what I want, but try to keep it on the healthier side. I opt to have a fruit smoothie for breakfast instead of a pop-tart, opt eating whole grain bread to not have white bread, drink less soda. I still have areas on my body that need work, but I have my work cut out for me. I have much better abs though!

I can't live on ideals on society, skinny models, and other people. I am now realizing, I do not need to be a size 00. I am 27, and not 17. I'm not the same as I was 10 years ago. I can rock out a few pull ups, workout non-stop for an hour, still have that bowl of occasional ice cream and not feel guilty. I have never been built to be skinny and wispy. It was never my body type. Being an athlete most of my life has shaped me in that way. I don't think it is physically possible for me to be under 120lbs. I can proudly say I weigh 125-127lbs. And that is ok.  Being a size 3-5 is just fine. I know I am in good health and shape.  I don't need to prove myself to anyone. Strong is the new Skinny!

April 15, 2011

Homemade smoothies!

In effort in trying to eat healthier......I have been trying new things. I was always the weird child who lived in on Cheerios and peanut butter & jelly; never one to branch out and try new things. As I am getting older, I have been better. I am may not like it, but I will at least try it!

 I always have loved fresh smoothies, but can never replicate them to their finest myself in my own kitchen. Always something wrong with them...too thin, flavor isn't right. After many failures, I kind of just gave up! But about two weeks ago, I came back in new inspiration. I went to the store, and bought some fruit, and was ready to try again! I finally came up with two similar recipes, that I, the picky eater have deemed good! I hope you like them too!

Good Morning Smoothie
1 cup of orange juice
1 whole banana
2/3 cup frozen blueberries
5-7 frozen strawberries cut in half
1/4 raspberries

Good Morning Smoothie II
1 cup of orange juice
1 whole banana
2/3 cup frozen blueberries
5-7 frozen strawberries cut in half

Since it is frozen mostly, it will take some time for the blender to mix, but it is worth it in the end. You can always add more or less fruit. For example: today I only used 3 strawberries, but they were HUGE strawberries, and probably equaled about 7 normal sized strawberries. I haven't experimented with other fruit yet, but it is on the way. A very healthy breakfast smoothie, no dairy! You can always add some protein powder or flax seeds for extra nutrition!

I take it to work in my reuseable cup I got at Bed Bath and Beyond for $7.99.
Here is the link, with a 20% off  coupon it came to like $6. Bring it, wash it, reuse it! It comes with the cup, lid, and straw.....dishwasher safe!
Here is the link:

April 3, 2011

What mulch can do...

It's now april. It is about that time where you one needs to start doing a horrible amd dreaded activity. YARDWORK. I hate it, but it must be done. Between our mostly opposite schedules, it is almost impossible that we are doing it at the same time.

Last week Jack took off during the week, so when I got home from work, he was there! But, when I drove up there was a truck-full of mulch sitting in our driveway. BLAST! I knew I couldn't just sit by why I watched Jack shovel mulch, so I enlisted myself to help. Teamwork = less yardwork time & more done!

Here is what the it looked like when we first moved in...we had that big awful tree. So Jack & some friends cut it down. Problem solved. No more tree.

Now, all we have a boring bland flower bed, where flowers occassionally come up every year....soem hostas, tulips etc. We now have a huge, blank gaping open spot where the tree used to be. How do we fill it? That is to yet be determined. I was thinking of putting in a cute little flowering tree or a decorative well, but who knows. All  I do know is that it is open, boring, bland, and dried out looking.


It is amazing what a little bit of mulch can do to a yard,
 even just to spruce up and make the yard look a bit alive!

WE just need a spot to fill that one blank flower bed in the middle. Any ideas?

The yard looks much better with the darker colored mulch.